Good news everyone! Last week we had brilliant sunshine in York (UK!). A good excuse to wander around and wonder what would happen if the trees would remain leafless despite sunshine and green grass ... forever. Well that's quite a downer thought, the result of a desperate soul tormented by dampness, darkness and fog ...
Luckily my friend the tree put an end to those sinister thoughts and prevented me from signing up to the dark side of the Force by showing me this:
Photo by Martin Trefzer, 2009.Awesome colours, isn't it? So my weekend was saved and my mind was freed to think other important thoughts: how can I get a coffee, fast, and without having to go somewhere inside?!?
Hey MAT...could ya please send me a little of this sunshine to my place, it is pouring down which makes me quite depressed and extremly slow!...
cya eVa
I would prefer you come over for a visit while it's nice and sunny here, since it seems to be a law of nature that Brittain always has the opposite weather than anybody else ;-) !
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